One can become a stepping stone or a stumbling block in other people's lives.The meaning of stepping stone can be said as one of a series of stones acting as footrests for crossing streams , marshes etc .In another word it would be difficult for a person to cross streams , marshes etc without the help of stepping stone .So a stepping stone is the one which help one to cross certain circumstance which is difficult to cross .Thus one become a stepping stone by helping other to cross the circumstance which is otherwise difficult.
The meaning of stumbling block is any obstacles put on the way .In another word even though a way is not difficult to travel .Because of the presence of stumbling block it become very difficult to travel .Thus one can become a stumbling block by becoming an obstacle in the way of a person .
The Bible warns us not to become a stumbling blocks .In Leviticus 19:14 we read.
Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but fear your God. I am the LORD.
In Romans 14:13 we read.
Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.
Thus one should not create a stumbling block before a blind man so that he falls .Also it is necessary for us not to become a stumbling block to a believer so that he fall spiritually.
Even Peter was condemned by Jesus when he became a stumbling block in Matthew 16:23.
Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns."
We have various example in Bible where a person become a stumbling block while another become a stepping stone .One example is that of Jonah and apostle Paul.
1.Both are prophets of God.
2.Both of them is traveling in ship.
3.Both ship in which they are traveling is under danger of sinking.
But one of them is running away from God (Jonah 1:3) while another one is running toward God (Philippians 3:14).
It was the presence of Jonah that made the ship to be in circumstance which will destroy it. He was running away from God due to which not only his life was in danger ,but also of the people who were traveling with him in ship. Thus he was becoming a stumbling for the people in the ship .All of this happening was because Jonah had lost contact with God .So it is necessary that a child of God should have a contact with God otherwise they will become a stumbling block in the lives of other people. The ship became safe when Jonah was removed from the ship ,thus the obstacle was removed for the people for their safe journey.
On the other hand , here is a man of God whose presence was that saved the people of the ship .When the people traveling with Apostle Paul did not listened to him therefore the ship has to undergo harm and loss .Even though the ship was in danger ,Apostle Paul was a comfort to the people in ship .Thus here Apostle Paul become a stepping stone.
But it is so all the time we should become a stepping stone and not to become a stumbling block ?does the bible always warns us not to become a stumbling block ?Let us read 1 corinthians 1:23
But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness.
Thus here we see the preaching about the cross is a stumbling block to the Jews . Jews where the people who were heading toward wrong direction .It is necessary that they come in right direction .The only way one could bring them in right direction is by becoming a stumbling block on their way .In such circumstance we should not become a stepping stone but a stumbling block.
So we have to become a stumbling block and not a stepping stone to those who are going in wrong direction .But we should become a stepping stone and not a stumbling block to those who are going in right direction.
Stepping stone or a stumbling block.