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The sun has switched off it's light;

When moon & stars shines at night. 

When every soul is almost vanished from city street;

And when mercury level has dropped ,has there is no sun's heat. 


Each one has went inside their home;

As their dear one as called them early to come. 

And the door is closed of my house;

In inside which play many naughty mouse. 

I got up from my sleep in the middle of night;

And went to the window to see what's there in that dimlight. 

I found all the singers of trees sleeping with there young ones in their nest;

And the watchman at the gate ,taking a good rest.

With hands folded I gazed at heaven above;

To feel my Savior presence whom I love. 

Suprised ,astonished was I,for God was there;

He covered me with His wings and together we were. 

from this I concluded something in my mind;

That God protect His children from front & from behind. 

Whether it at the heat of the day or loneliness of night;

He protects us from all trouble with all His might.

And I just think whether He does'nt sleep or take rest;

While He try to keep me safe,24X7 beside His breast. 

LORD Who watches me 24X 7

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