Hinduism is a oldest religion-So it should be a true religion?
Some Hindus claim that Hinduism is the oldest religious tradition on earth. It dates back to 2,500 B.C. Therefore it should be the best,most purest and most truest religion in the world.They say the real name of Hinduism is “Sanatan Dharma (Eternal Religion).They would argue that "your religion Christianity started 2000 yrs back.So my religion is the better than your religion."
A hindu should understand that Christianity is not at all a religion it is relation which many people have with Jesus Christ.The Holy Bible begin by saying "In the beginning (time) God created the heavens (space) and the earth (matter)."Thus the universe (time-space-matter) was created by one true living God.This true living God came in the form of flesh on earth 2000 yrs back.The Holy Bible says that God saw this relation (Christianity) of mankind before the foundation of world. That is, it was originated in His mind before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4).
There were many belief systems before the existence of Christianity on earth.There came many belief systems after the origin of Christianity on earth.But it should be noted that any belief systems cannot be the best,most purest or most truest on the basis of time frame.Whether it is newest or oldest.
A belief system cannot be best on the basis of time frame:It should be noted that original iphone was released on June 2007 while iphone 6 Plus was released on September 2014. First iPhone was ridiculously thick. It's 63 percent thicker than the 6 Plus.The original iPhone's screen was only 44 percent as big as the iPhone 6 Plus.And many features show that iphone 6 plus is best than the original iphone.ZTE Grand X was released on December 2014,but it is worst than iphone 6 Plus.Features or specifications should make a belief system best not the time frame.
A belief system cannot be most purest on the basis of time frame:It should be noted that a milk which is filtered and taken 1 hour before is more pure than a milk that is not filtered and is three to five days older.A two days old filtered milk and properly refrigerated in sealed bottle is more pure than a unfiltered milk which is one day old and kept in a open plate that can get contaminated by microorganisms . Protection from contamination from outside source can make a belief system the most purest not the time frame.
A belief system cannot be most truest on the basis of time frame:It should be noted that in India it is not allowed to know the sex of the child before birth of the child.So it can happen, that the child of the father might believe that the child, that is going to be born will be a girl child about two months before the birth of that child.He might believe that the child, that is going to be born will be a boy child about one month before the birth of that child.No matter what he believed at various time.The child that is born can also turn out to be a intersex one.So a belief system to be a most truest it should match with the truth not the time frame.
Thus Hinduism cannot be called as a best,most purest and most truest religion on the basis that it is the most oldest religion on earth.