The Millennium: With Satan’s influence removed from the earth and Christ’s reign of righteousness unopposed, the Millennium will be a time of unsurpassed glory and perfect relationships. References to this future time of perfection are found throughout Scripture (Isaiah 2, 11, 12, 32, 35, 60, and 65; Zechariah 14).The Millennium will last 1,000 years. Then there will be another fine tuning in God’s end-time dealing with the earth and its inhabitants before the perfection of eternity begins. Satan will be released for "a little season" to test the love, faith, and loyalty of those individuals born during the Millennium and therefore still untested as to their choice between right and wrong. The rebellion of Satan and those who choose to follow him will be short-lived. Fire will come down from heaven and devour the opposition. Satan will then be permanently cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20).The Great White Throne Judgment: After the judgment fire physically destroys those deceived by Satan at the end of the Millennium, all the wicked who have ever lived on the face of the earth will be dead. Then will follow the resurrection of the wicked dead to stand before the austere Judge "from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away" (Revelation 20:11). Books are opened and the wicked are judged according to their works. Then, like Satan, they will be consigned to the lake of fire to be tormented day and night forever. This is the saddest scene in the entire Bible and motivates me to reach the lost of the world and help them escape the end of those who do not submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.The Holy City: Revelation 21 begins with John’s view of new heavens, a new earth, and the holy city (the new Jerusalem that comes down from God out of the new heavens to rest on the new earth). Peter tells us, "The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare" (2 Peter 3:10), thus making way for the new heavens and earth. The glorious description of this city is found in Revelation 21 and 22. Whether symbolic or real, the description introduces us to the excitement and magnificence of eternity. The Lord God Omnipotent finally claims the full victory He purchased at Calvary.Finally:If it were only the scoffers and skeptics who raise question about the certainty of the Lord’s return for His own ( 2 Peter 3:3,4), it would be bad enough. But for the Church of Jesus Christ to become lethargic and careless because the long-promised chain of end-time events has not yet begun is unconscionable. I am preaching a clear message that Jesus is coming soon, and I will preach that message without apology, no matter how long the Lord delays His coming. We must never forget Peter’s two explanations for what may seem like a long delay in the fulfillment of divine prophecy. First, God measures time differently than man does. "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day" (2 Peter 3:8). Then we are told that God’s delay gives opportunity for more to come to repentance through His patience (2 Peter 3:9). I am committed to the reality that Jesus is coming soon, no matter what I may feel about God’s delays.Another concern we should have involves an inordinate fixation on prophecy and predictions about the future. If we study Scripture about end-time events merely out of curiosity, we are little better than those who seek out horoscopes and seers to learn what they can about the future. The believer’s interest in prophecy is for the encouragement it provides through the unalterable promise that God has already won the victory and we simply wait for His timing as to when the events will be played out. Our focus must be on Jesus, the centerpiece of Bible prophecy, not on the events alone.A final concern or observation must be made. The preceding outline of end-time events is not the final, indisputable statement on what lies ahead. It is simply an attempt to bring together the many biblical references to end-time events while keeping the focus on Jesus Christ and His mission to seek and save the lost (Mark 10:45). Our priorities must always be His priorities.
My testimony
Though, I was born in a Pentecostal Christian Family and was a pastor's son, that does not mean I lived a sinless life.I also sinned like rest of the mankind.=(Romans 3:23).I was a skeptic.I doubted the existent of God.I niether believed in creation nor in evolution.
When i was in school, I was the most outstanding student of my school.But sometime I use to be outsitting or outkneeling.Thus almost all teachers were fed up by my behavior.
But it was when I was studying in college God Who choose me to lift His holy name saved me from my unbelief and brought me to His feet.It was by the word of God,I was born again.“Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.” —1st Peter 1:23.I have God living in my body in the form of the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:9 tells us that the Spirit of Christ dwells within every believer. I am not God, but I have God's Spirit living in my body. The Holy Spirit of God guides me, comforts me, teaches me, rebukes me, chastises me, convicts me, encourages me, empowers me, loves me, strengthens me, and so much more. The Holy Spirit uses the Word of God to do these things. I realized that I was a great or worst sinner who could only be saved by Jesus the savior of the world.I was "born again" that is I was "born from above" and I was "born of water and the Spirit"."When I was a Sinner I was spiritually “dead”; when I received spiritual life through faith in Christ, I had a rebirth. Thus I was born again and had all my sins forgiven and began to have a relationship with God,which will indeed continue to remain even in eternity,amen.